Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Something I don’t like about myself

When i was a young girl, I had a way I thought my life would unfold. I took all of the advised steps, did my best, and things still did not turn out the way I wanted or was ‘promised’.

This isn’t a problem for me because I have been molded into who I am by my experiences. I love my life now, and am grateful for all I have.

But sometimes, when I see someone who took the same steps I did and received the desired result, I am angry, jealous, or whatever that emotion is.

I don’t like this about myself, but have come to accept it with my other flaws as a part of the package.


Anne Chovies said...

I've sometimes felt the same thing. I've always tried to follow the "formula" but still some things aren't as I would prefer. However, I have no problem seeing that my life, as disappointing as it is in some areas, is way better than it would be if I were living the more popular "formula" so I'll stick with the one I've been using.

Wendy Williams said...

I think sometimes it looks like someone else has ‘the’ setup when they really don’t. No one gets everything they want.