Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is what the beginning of May usually looks like in Wisconsin:

This is NOT what it looks like this year.  This year, has been more like this:

Now I am not usually one to complain about the weather (unless it's super duper hot), but I AM wondering what all of this means to my lilac bushes.  Will they ever bloom again????  And I will mention that I am extremely grateful that even though we've seen more than the occasional flake lately, the temps have been well above 0 degrees.  YAY!!!  And today, the sun came out for a few minutes in the evening.  YAY!!


Ritsumei said...

Lovely pictures - are they yours?

I agree, it's been a cold cold spring. I've got plants on my counter that need dirt! Hopefully the ground will be ready for them soon!

Wendy Williams said...

Hey Dori! Yes the pictures are mine, except for the farm valley one, which came from Google images. Hopefully we'll both be able to do some planting this week!