Sunday, July 22, 2018

Are we all self serving animals?

i found myself yelling at my husband today as he was leaving to walk the dog. As I realized most of my yelling landed on the closed front door rather than the intended recipient, I stopped to wonder what my actual problem was.
He had asked me to inspect something he saw on the floor which I did, but only after rolling my eyes and sighing loudly. His response was: well, I just hauled all the groceries in and now I’m walking the dog.
This response irritated me because I chose to believe he was trying to tell me he works harder than I do.
Whether or not this is true is not the point. The point is that I chose to believe that was what his thoughts were and I was offended.
I thought it was interesting that in one of my most relaxed moments, this was the behavior that came out.
I do not often yell at my husband in fact almost never. Like everyone else I have triggers because I am human and have memories, experiences, and the like.
I’m grateful that I have a safe place to be relaxed and when things like that happen, I explain to the hubs, we discuss, and it’s over. Just like that.

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