Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Are you a complainer?

We used to live in a town with a population of around 30,000.  It’s a college town and pretty nice for what it is.

When my husband retired a few years ago, he became acutely aware of the goings on of some of the neighborhood kids. He complained. As you can probably guess, the problem got worse.

Now we live in a town with a population of about 350. We love it!  But there are teens here too ( they’re everywhere!!), and every time the hubs says anything about it, I get very squirrely. I love it here more than any other place I’ve ever lived, and I don’t want there to be any trouble.

It’s attitudes like mine that get people taken advantage of and walked all over!  LOL

Where do you land on complaining?  Yes? Or no??

Monday, May 14, 2018


My husband is retired, but has a decent start on a career as a fisherman. Today in his travels, he said he saw multiple snakeskins that had been shed. He’d never seen one before and neither have I. I kind of wish he had brought one home to show off.

Have you ever seen a snakeskin??

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Lactose! What have you done?!

i am very lactose ‘tolerant ‘. I love dairy, can’t get enough cheese, put milk in my coffee, etc., etc., etc.

I keep ice cream in the house for obvious reasons—(it’s fantastic). As I was enjoying my Kroger deluxe peanut butter cup flavor the other day, I noticed a banner on the package that stated it was lactose free. I thought nothing of it.


I had what I can only imagine is the same reaction lactose intolerant folks have.

Anybody want the rest of my lactose free peanut butter cup ice cream????

Friday, May 11, 2018

Epiphanies everywhere

Still smarting from yesterday’s insecure day, I asked a good friend to have lunch with me today so she could knock some sense into this ole melon of mine. And she did!  It is truly amazing what an outside perspective can do!

I’ve come to realize today that I’ve been wrong about something for longer than I want to admit.

Can people change?  Absolutely!  I am a much different person than I used to be.

That doesn’t always mean that they have changed. Food for thought. Your initial gut response is usually correct.

Thursday, May 10, 2018


Yesterday, I attended a conference in Madison, WI fir Business Analysts like myself. It was my first time going to such an event, and it was an exciting as exhausting day.
I am pretty proud of myself. I did well especially considering how this very scenario would historically make my anxiety go through the roof.
Turns out I spoke too soon. Today, was the most ‘insecure ‘ day I’ve had in a really long time.
Is that normal?  

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Respect the semi truck

I have about a half hour drive to and from work each day. It’s all highway except for about the last 10 mins. On January 23rd, my family and I rear ended a stopped semi. I received a few minor injuries and now have a ‘bad’ shoulder. Understandably, I am now hyper aware of the space between the car I’m in and the car in front of me. I see other cars multiple times a day rear ending semis, cutting them off, and generally demonstrating that they do not understand that they can get hurt! Don’t be like my co commuters!!! Respect the semis!!!!

Monday, May 7, 2018

How busy am I?

I like to keep my work life extremely busy and my home life extremely opposite. That has worked out well for me for a while. But, as I begin to get more opportunities at work, there’s more and more late days leaving for home, studying for my class at home, don’t forget book club!, and all the other odds and ends that pop up. If you had asked me in the beginning if I had room for all these ‘add ons’, I would have said no. But as they are coming one at a time, with chances to reprioritize, I’m enjoying it. A nice surprise!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Have you ever vacuumed the stairs?

I've just vacuumed the stairs at our new place for the first time with the proper attachment in my upright vacuum.

It's a big pain in boo tay.

That is all.

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Saturday, May 5, 2018


I was asked Friday morning how I felt about changing by my work assignment within my team. I jumped at the chance to do something a little different!  This is a wonderful opportunity for me and I’m thrilled to the gills!
I’m also a little nervous. There’s a meeting at 8am Monday morning to bring me up to speed. Wish me luck and success in my new venture!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Be Respectful!

I work at an insurance company. I am taking a certification class as a part of my job. The class has 2 sessions a week, and we are 4 weeks in to the 6 week curriculum. This past Tuesday was a review session. When the clock hit 2:59 for this class that ends at 3, every person in the room got up and walked out. We were mid discussion. In the middle of determining what was on the balance sheet vs the financial statement. They all just stopped and left.

I know I’ve been out of school a decade or two, but is this what we do now? I kind of wanted to hear the answer to the question.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Full Moon Nightmares!

Recently, there was a full moon.  This tends to happen every so often I've noticed, and I've also noticed that I tend to have nightmares the 3 days of the full moon. 

I've shared that I struggle with nightmares when I'm sick or stressed, but this is a new realization for me.  Besides being discombobulated when I wake up and concerned the entire day from the lingering upset of the dream, this causes me to wonder if there is another explanation besides my anxiety rearing its ugly head.

So I consulted my all knowing friend, Google, and here's what I found.  It's actually kind of interesting and worth the 5-10 minutes to read.

Does the Moon Influence Dreams?

Do you have dreams?  Nightmares?  Try an experiment and see if they're any different or more vivid at any certain time of the month.  You might be surprised.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Guilt by Association

My husband Tom and I enjoy watching True Crime type shows on T.V.  Like Forensic Files and such.  The last few weeks we've been watching a documentary about Edward Edwards, the man who some think may have been the Zodiac killer. 
There is one investigator that has been drawing some outlandish parallels and seems to be obsessed with Ed. 
He claims Ed did the child killings in Atlanta in the early 80's, the ones that Wayne Williams was arrested for.
His logic is that:  Since Ed was in Atlanta during that time, possessed a police officer's uniform (it was said the children were lured by someone they knew or someone in authority), and had a prejudice against blacks, that he killed these children. 
Also, since he owned a Santa suit and was in Colorado in 1996, he killed JonBenet Ramsey.
When it's presented in such a way, it is easy for us as viewers to see the jumps the investigator is making in accusing Ed of these crimes just because he is a killer and was known to be in the area at the time.
But I'm wondering--how often do I make similar jumps in the logic of my anxiety?  It is outlandish to think that because someone is annoyed and they are in your presence (among about 10 others) that they are annoyed because of your presence or even  your existence.  How often does my flawed thinking go to "that place".  I don't think I'm all that unique in these sorts of thoughts either.
Something to ponder.